The purpose of The Jason Foundation’s Professional Development Series is to help bring awareness to the impact of youth suicide in our communities. This program is not intended to make anyone an expert or counselor in youth suicide. The objective of the training is to provide you with the information, tools and resources that will help you to identify and assist at-risk youth.
Currently, there are numerous training modules available which discuss the staggering statistics associated with youth suicide, identify several signs of concern of possible suicidal ideation and explore resources to help a depressed or suicidal youth. The Online Library contains multiple two-hour trainings that extensively delve into aspects of youth suicide. The one-hour modules discuss how different topics relate to youth suicide.
To access the staff development program click the button below. You will need to register for a username and password if you have not already done so.
If you have problems on the site, please contact cap@jasonfoundation.com.